12 October 2024

Fresh Lemons - A Powerful and Versatile Fruit

My latest article in this great publication on the benefit of fresh lemons.  They are such a powerful and versatile fruit.  I start my day with fresh lemon squeezed into hot water, it boosts my metabolism.  There are lots of other great benefits which I’ve highlighted in my article.  Read it here…


16 September 2024

2 August 2024

Self Love is not Selfish

The power of self-love is transformative.  This is the secret to unlocking your full potential. 

It does not matter where you are on your life’s journey, you have incredible capacity for growth. Age, position, status does not define your worth or what you can become in life.

If you’re feeling unsure about your worth, it’s time to challenge those beliefs. 

Simply start by exploring your authentic self, what are your quirks and talents?  Embrace those.

Develop a genuine love for yourself, when you do this you will radiate positivity and in so doing will attract meaningful connections.

Please remember that loving yourself is not selfish.  Rather, it is the key to a happier, more fulfilling life. Embrace it, see the difference this makes in your life.  What a beautiful outlook you will have.

To your Best Life


3 July 2024

Use old potatoes

 You can use old or sprouting potatoes πŸ₯”πŸ πŸ₯”

Occasionally one finds that you have bought potatoes and they are past their best and starting to grow. 

Try putting them into a pot on a window sill or into the garden in a large pot with fresh soil.  They are sure to produce a delicious new crop.  

Have you ever tried this before?

Would love to hear from you with your comments and learn how best I can help you.

To your Natural Health


22 May 2024

Are you ……

 Are you telling yourself things that limit you?

⚡️ When I have more money, I will….

⚡️ When I’ve lost weight, I will ….

⚡️ When I find a new home, I will…

⚡️ When I get more time, I will ….

That list goes on and on ….

Why are your procrastinating?

Why are you limiting yourself to mediocre?

Life has limitless potential when we remove these limitations from our minds and embrace the endless opportunities available to us.

I’m encouraging you to replace these old ideas that don’t serve you.  Let’s do this together.

I believe in you 😊

To your Success 

Catherine 😊

18 April 2024

It’s Time for an Exciting Change.

Do you long for an exciting change in your life but don’t know how to start?  Maybe you find it difficult finding the support you need or are just simply stuck.  Is this you?

Do you feel the longing for change, but find it difficult to take action and seek assistance?  You are not alone, this is normal for many people.

This feeling is often filled with resistance, fear, uncertainty and lack of confidence.  Have you felt those emotions?  We have all felt them at some point in our lives, I know I have.  

So often, going deep within yourself can be very uncomfortable, it often involves facing emotions or aspects of yourself that you would prefer to hide from.  Sometimes they are even painful.  Asking for help may make you feel vulnerable and unsure, but with the right mentor you don’t need to feel like that at all.  They will be encouraging, inspiring and supportive.

It is important to acknowledge and recognise your feelings, please don’t judge yourself, rather accept and love yourself for who you are.

Now, add clarity to your intention.  Why do you want this change?   Only by understanding your motivations, can you then create a stronger sense of purpose, which will help you overcome any resistance you may feel.

Importantly, asking for help is an essential part of the process, seeking assistance is never a sign of weakness. Rather, it is a brave choice and one where you will find change and growth. Seeking guidance will help you navigate and will provide you with objective guidance, offering you effective strategies tailored to your unique needs.  Did you know that mentoring is the surest way to success?  It has been used by the greatest minds and the most successful people all have mentors.

By taking these steps and seeking guidance and help, you are allowing yourself to expand.  You will access your inner wisdom, achieve more and gradually experience the transformation you desire.  What area of your life do you long for exciting change?  It is possible.

Is this you?  Why wait, there is no time like the present.  I’m encouraging you to start today.  Make your move and your future self will thank you.

I’m here for you, let’s explore these exciting options for your life.  Message me

To your Exciting Future
